Belt and Road in Bangladesh

The BRI in Bangladesh: ‘Win-Win’ or a ‘Debt Trap’?
By Shaikh Abdur Rahman
Bangladesh's prudent, selective engagement with China's Belt and Road has helped Dhaka avoid the debt problems that plague other South Asian participants.

Bangladesh and the China-India Conflict
By Mozammil Ahmad
If Dhaka plays its cards right, the country could grasp an opportunity as both China and India up their efforts to gain influence.

Payra Seaport Won’t Be Another Chinese ‘Pearl’
By Connor Fairman
Despite India’s concerns, the port in Bangladesh won’t become a Chinese asset – but it will bring Beijing other benefits.

How Bangladesh Learned to Love the Belt and Road
By Sudha Ramachandran
Dhaka has largely avoided the major pitfalls of China’s initiative while embracing the gains.
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