Belt and Road Initiative (BRI)
China’s Central Asian Rail Investment Does Not Add Up
By Tristan Kenderdine and Péter Bucsky
China’s contribution to Central Asian rail connectivity remains miniscule.
Debunking 3 Myths About Chinese Investment in Malaysia
By Xianbai Ji , Chen Li, and Guanie Lim
A close examination of two flagship BRI-related infrastructure projects in Malaysia reveals the complex reality of China’s financial statecraft.
The Continuing Mystery of the Belt and Road
By Yuan Jiang
There are still competing theories and explanations of what China's signature foreign policy platform actually means.
The Case for Australia Keeping Victoria’s Belt and Road Deal
By Yuan Jiang
Prime Minister Morrison now has the power to quash the state's MoU with China. He should hold off, at least for now.
China’s Digital Silk Road Initiative: A Boon for Developing Countries or a Danger to Freedom?
By Joshua Kurlantzick
Some observers worry that it will equip authoritarian governments with next-generation surveillance technologies.
An Ignored Canary in an Unknown Coal Mine: The Caribbean’s Economic Engagement with China
By Bradley J. Murg and Rasheed J. Griffith
The Caribbean provides some of the earliest signs of the problems that would later dog China's Belt and Road Initiative.
China’s Policy Banks Are Lending Differently, Not Less
By Tristan Kenderdine
How Chinese policy and commercial banks are behaving operationally in their foreign lending activities is shifting, but not necessarily diminishing.
A Hitch in the Belt and Road in Myanmar
By Gene Ryack
A long-running war and COVID-19 muddle development in Kyaukphyu, Myanmar.
The Jakarta-Bandung Rail Project: 5 Years On and Still Going Nowhere
By Meiki W. Paendong
The railway, China's landmark BRI project in Indonesia, has failed to account for its economic and social impacts.
Rail Freight Use on China’s Iron Silk Road Underdelivers
By Tristan Kenderdine
Is China’s CR Express destined for the industrial graveyard of Eurasian economic policy history?
China’s BRI and its High-Speed Railways to Nowhere
By James Guild
The railway projects being built under the Belt and Road Initiative offer marginal economic benefits at exorbitant costs.
Belt and Road Stakeholders Don’t Believe China Uses ‘Debt-Trap Diplomacy’
By Pradumna B Rana and Xianbai Ji
The authors’ recent book, which includes a survey of opinion leaders from BRI stakeholder countries, debunks the “debt-trap diplomacy” thesis.