Benigno Aquino

Arroyo Faces Long Legal Battles
Former Philippine President Gloria Arroyo is detained over corruption and fraud allegations. Was she hoping to flee?

Philippine Talks Stumble On
Peace talks between the Philippine government and MILF has resumed. But things won’t be smooth.

Manila's Economic Headache
The Philippines has achieved economic growth, but it is extremely unequal. Aquino needs to make changes now.

Philippines Ceasefire Under Threat
The factionalizing of insurgent groups is jeopardising a ceasefire that ended decades of civil war in the southern Philippines, reports Luke Hunt.

Manila's Balancing Act
The South China Sea dispute underscores the problems the Aquino has in balancing China and the United States.

Did Arroyo Rig Election?
Evidence mounts that former Philippine President Gloria Arroyo rigged the 2004 presidential election.

Asia’s Gay-Friendliest Nation?
A flexible view of sexuality has allowed gays to find a place in the community in the Philippines – as long as they stay focused on the family.
Abu Sayyaf Strike Back
An ambush by Abu Sayyaf rebels in which at least seven Philippine soldiers were killed is a reminder the outfit isn’t finished.

Bishops, Backhanders and SUVs
Were Catholic bishops in the pocket of former Philippines President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo when she was in office?

Philippines AIDS Crisis Looms
The Philippines is on the verge of an AIDS crisis. Without political will from the Aquino administration, it will get worse.

Aquino and Cronyism
Philippines President Benigno Aquino is under fire over his latest choice for an ambassador post.

Taming Mindanao
Mindanao is a hotbed for militants. But there are signs President Begnino Aquino is cracking down.