
Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)

Exam Debate Betrays India’s Next Generation of Leaders

Exam Debate Betrays India’s Next Generation of Leaders

By Deepanshu Mohan
Exam paper leaks cause immense damage to the psychological state of India’s younger generation in pursuit of a better, more progressive future.

The Consequences of India’s Election Surprise

The Consequences of India’s Election Surprise

By Rajeswari Pillai Rajagopalan
Modi, and the BJP, will return to power but with their smallest majority to date. What, if any, are the consequences for Indian domestic and foreign policy?
Under Modi 3.0, India Will Retain Its Foreign Policy Course

Under Modi 3.0, India Will Retain Its Foreign Policy Course

By Krzysztof Iwanek
The incumbent BJP’s electoral victory was weaker than expected, but that won’t affect New Delhi’s foreign policy.

Decoding India’s Elections: How Modi’s Grip Loosened 

Decoding India’s Elections: How Modi’s Grip Loosened 

By Snigdhendu Bhattacharya
Modi's BJP lost its majority, meaning it will be heavily dependent on allies this term.

Modi Wins a Third Term But the Opposition INDIA Bloc Cuts Incumbent BJP Down to Size 

Modi Wins a Third Term But the Opposition INDIA Bloc Cuts Incumbent BJP Down to Size 

By Kavita Chowdhury
In a telling blow, the BJP even lost in the constituency that includes the Ram Temple, in Faizabad, Uttar Pradesh.

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
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What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

Outer Space in the BJP’s Election Manifesto: Promises and Prospects

Outer Space in the BJP’s Election Manifesto: Promises and Prospects

By Kiran Mohan Vazhapully
In one section of their manifesto, the BJP outlined its plan to make India a “leading space power.”

Narendra Modi Files Nomination to Run For a Third Term in India’s General Election

Narendra Modi Files Nomination to Run For a Third Term in India’s General Election

By Rajesh Kumar Singh and Biswajeet Banerjee
This is the third time that the Indian prime minister is contesting from the Hindu holy city of Varanasi.
Mahua Moitra Refuses to be Intimidated by Narendra Modi

Mahua Moitra Refuses to be Intimidated by Narendra Modi

By Kavita Chowdhury
The Diplomat meets the firebrand Indian politician on the election campaign trail in West Bengal.

Will India’s Hindi Heartland Propel Modi to Power Once More? 

Will India’s Hindi Heartland Propel Modi to Power Once More? 

By Snigdhendu Bhattacharya
The region, a stronghold of Hindu nationalism since the 1960s, has been Modi’s fortress. But the BJP seems less sure of success this year.

The Inevitability of Indian Spies in Australia

The Inevitability of Indian Spies in Australia

By Grant Wyeth
India’s emerging great power status comes with great power behavior.

Indian Democracy’s Tryst With Trust

Indian Democracy’s Tryst With Trust

By Ajay Gudavarthy
Elections in India represent a paradoxical see-saw between trust and crises of legitimacy.
Once a Fringe Ideology, Hindu Nationalism is Now Mainstream, Thanks to Modi

Once a Fringe Ideology, Hindu Nationalism is Now Mainstream, Thanks to Modi

By Krutika Pathi and Sheikh Saaliq
Modi has made Hindu nationalism acceptable, even desirable, to a nation of 1.4 billion that for decades prided itself on pluralism and secularism.

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