Biden administration
ASEAN Leaders Arrive in US Ahead of Special Summit
By Sebastian Strangio
The question hanging over the two-day summit is whether the U.S. can avoid viewing its relations with Southeast Asia solely through the lens of its competition with China.
Regional Partners Seek Clarity on Biden’s Indo-Pacific Economic Framework
By Matthew P. Goodman and Aidan Arasasingham
Addressing regional concerns will be difficult, take time, and require U.S. policymakers to be responsive. But failure is not an option.
Cambodia Announces Postponement of Special US-ASEAN Summit
By Sebastian Strangio
The March 28-29 meeting has been delayed due to scheduling clashes with some Southeast Asian governments.
Biden’s Afghanistan Policy Pleases No One. But Some Critics Are Wrong Too.
By Jasmine Bhatia and Sarajuddin Isar
Both proponents and critics of the controversial decision to order the unfreezing and splitting of Afghanistan’s foreign reserves are getting it wrong.
The Biden Administration Releases an Indo-Pacific Strategy: Reading Between the Lines
By Ankit Panda and Catherine Putz
What does the Biden administration seek in the Indo-Pacific?
The Biden Administration’s Indo-Pacific Strategy Lacks Clarity on China
By Alec Blivas
The strategy document fails to answer crucial questions about the desired balance between competition and cooperation with China.
With Blinken’s Visit to Fiji, the US Returns to the Pacific
By Grant Wyeth
China drew Washington’s attention back to the Pacific, but regional states hope the U.S. engages beyond geopolitical competition.
US Southeast Asia Strategy: A Balance of Commitment Approach Under Biden and Beyond
By Prashanth Parameswaran
Sustaining its commitment to the region requires the U.S. to maintain a series of elusive balances.
North Korea’s Missile Tests: Biden’s Options
By Eric Gomez
Since the collapse of the U.S.-North Korea summit at Hanoi in February 2019, North Korea and the United States have been locked in a diplomatic impasse.
Blinken in Southeast Asia: Is This the Real ‘Pivot’?
By Rizal Ramli
The U.S. Secretary of State's recent tour sent all the right signals, but some regional skepticism remains.
US Secretary of State Blinken Set for Maiden Southeast Asia Trip
By Sebastian Strangio
Antony Blinken's visits to Indonesia and Malaysia come amid a flurry of U.S. diplomatic engagements with the region.
Democracy Promotion in the Indo-Pacific: Prelude to a ‘Biden Doctrine’?
By Mark S. Cogan and Paul D. Scott
Despite its limits, the Biden administration should anchor its foreign policy in support of democratic principles and self-determination.