Keep BRICS and IBSA Separate
By Oliver Stuenkel
Iran: Running Out of Options
Oil sanctions are hurting Iran’s economy, argues Javad Heydarian. Are old friends jumping ship as well?
Creating a New International Order
The lowest common denominator is no longer a good starting point for meaningful coordinated global action.
Is India Strangling its Economy?
India’s economy is slowing. But is the government making things worse and hampering entrepreneurial zeal?
BRICS Aim High
Leaders at the BRICS summit propose some ambitious plans, including setting up a development bank.
Yang Comes Calling
Chinese Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi is visiting New Delhi to discuss ties with India. There’s plenty to talk about.
China, BRICs & the Environment
The dilemma of growth vs the environment is becoming more acute for China and other BRIC nations.
Is BRICS a Real Bloc?
Tensions and diverging interests between China and Russia loomed large over the group’s latest meeting. Will BRICS ever find a unified voice?
Why BRICS 2011 is Important
South Africa’s participation and a UN Security Council ‘connection’ underscore the significance of this year’s summit.
India Needs Fresh Thinking at UN
Will India’s new UN Security Council seat mean some fresh thinking on key issues—including Iran?