
burden-sharing in U.S. alliances

How the US Could Undermine Its Biggest Advantage Over China

How the US Could Undermine Its Biggest Advantage Over China

By Antonio José Pagán Sánchez
The U.S. alliance network is its greatest advantage in the competition with China. But Washington can hardly count on its allies if it treats them worse than the way it treats its systemic rival.
South Korea’s Dockyards: A New Factor in Korea-US Military Burden-sharing

South Korea’s Dockyards: A New Factor in Korea-US Military Burden-sharing

By James JB Park
Negotiating with Trump will not be easy, but Seoul now possesses more leverage than before.

Competition With China Is Inevitable. US Alliance Policy Could Determine Just How Bad It Gets.

Competition With China Is Inevitable. US Alliance Policy Could Determine Just How Bad It Gets.

By Joshua Byun
The two sides will find it increasingly difficult to avoid intense security competition over the coming decades, but there are still meaningful choices to make.

Fancy Footwork: Biden’s Two-Step Approach to Indo-Pacific Allies

Fancy Footwork: Biden’s Two-Step Approach to Indo-Pacific Allies

By Tom Corben and Peter K. Lee
The Biden administration took some bold steps to empower its Indo-Pacific allies and partners in 2021. But can it deliver on its promises?

Rhetoric Aside, America’s Asian Partners Are Giving Up on Their Own Defense

Rhetoric Aside, America’s Asian Partners Are Giving Up on Their Own Defense

By Justin Logan
When it comes to burden-sharing, banging the table doesn’t work -- doubt about the U.S. commitment does.
More Money? More Problems for the US-South Korea Burden-Sharing Talks

More Money? More Problems for the US-South Korea Burden-Sharing Talks

By Kyle Ferrier
Reports that the U.S. will seek $5 billion annually from South Korea signal trouble ahead in the alliance.

What Does the Signed Cost Sharing Agreement Mean for the US-South Korea Alliance?

What Does the Signed Cost Sharing Agreement Mean for the US-South Korea Alliance?

By Kyle Ferrier
Though a positive development, it's hard to see the new burden sharing agreement as anything more than a stopgap measure.
3 Obstacles to US-South Korea Cooperation on the North Korea Issue

3 Obstacles to US-South Korea Cooperation on the North Korea Issue

By Hanbyeol Sohn
The alliance cannot hope to address the North Korea threat until it overcomes these three hurdles.

Trump’s Mafia Diplomacy Rattles South Korea

Trump’s Mafia Diplomacy Rattles South Korea

By Mintaro Oba
Trump fundamentally misunderstands the function of U.S. alliances, but others are working to mitigate the damage.

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