Burma Election

Aung San Suu Kyi Sweeps to Win
Democracy icon Aung San Suu Kyi and her National League for Democracy look to have scored key victories in by-elections in Burma on Sunday.

The Folly of More Burma Sanctions
With the first signs of reform there in decades, the US plan to extend sanctions against the government is misguided and self-defeating, says David Steinberg.

Burma's 'Nowhere People'
Persecuted in their Burma homeland, many of the Rohingya people have fled across the border to Bangladesh. But even there, they can’t make a living.

From One Prison to Another
By The Diplomat Special Correspondent
Aung San Suu Kyi’s release is a gamble for Burma’s ruling junta. Will its post-election confidence prove to be misplaced?

Once More, Without Feeling
By Diplomat Special Correspondent
No one expects anything other than a big election win for Burma’s ruling junta. A dejected population is giving up on hoping for better.

Burma’s Mysterious Border Closure
By Phil Thornton
The Burmese junta’s decision to close a Thai border crossing has prompted frustration and questions—and no answers from Burma.

After Burma Poll, Conflict Looms
Burma’s history is marked by insurgencies and ethnic tension. Next month’s poll could see them bubble over into armed conflict.
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