

PM Modi Begins Implementing Controversial Citizenship Law Ahead of Elections

PM Modi Begins Implementing Controversial Citizenship Law Ahead of Elections

By Kavita Chowdhury
It is aimed at the communal polarization of India to solidify Hindu votes, and deflect attention away from disclosures of the government’s controversial party funding scheme.

India Must Champion the Cause of Afghan Refugees More Inclusively

India Must Champion the Cause of Afghan Refugees More Inclusively

By Mohamed Zeeshan
Even as it leads global action on Afghanistan at the UNSC, India must salvage its own credibility as a hospitable destination for asylum seekers.
Did the Controversial Citizenship Amendment Act Affect India’s International Position?

Did the Controversial Citizenship Amendment Act Affect India’s International Position?

By Krzysztof Iwanek
India’s new citizenship law was criticized in various countries, but did it lead to cancelled deals or sanctions?

India’s Modi Says Muslims Have Nothing to Fear With New Law

India’s Modi Says Muslims Have Nothing to Fear With New Law

By Associated Press
The Indian prime minister has sought to assuage concerns over a controversial new citizenship law.

Indian Refugee Policy: From Strategic Ambiguity to Exclusion?

Indian Refugee Policy: From Strategic Ambiguity to Exclusion?

By Bansari Kamdar
India need a domestic refugee law to protect those persecuted, but it does not have to be an exclusionary one.

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
Latest Video

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

Indian Police Detain Man for Firing During Student Protest

Indian Police Detain Man for Firing During Student Protest

By Associated Press
The shooting took place near a university in New Delhi amid protests against a new citizenship law.

Why Is India’s Right Wing Defaming the Women Protesters of Shaheen Bagh?

Why Is India’s Right Wing Defaming the Women Protesters of Shaheen Bagh?

By Avishek Jha
Pro-government media and politicians have cast the protesters as paid anti-India agents, but that’s far from the reality driving the demonstrations.
How the Kuala Lumpur Summit Complicates India’s Gulf Relations

How the Kuala Lumpur Summit Complicates India’s Gulf Relations

By Mohammed Sinan Siyech
The declaration of a special OIC meeting on Kashmir at the behest of Pakistan demonstrated that the platform has indirectly affected India-Gulf ties.

Democracy in Digital Darkness: Internet Shutdowns, New Indian Normal?

Democracy in Digital Darkness: Internet Shutdowns, New Indian Normal?

By Bansari Kamdar
India’s frequent use of internet shutdowns is unlikely to wane anytime soon.

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