Cambodia economy

Cambodia: Largest Casino Worker Strike Victory Highlights Wider Rights Issues
By Luke Hunt
While the recent strike resulted in a pay rise commitment, it also spotlighted the wider rights issues and economic challenges for some workers.

The Bigger Problem Behind Cambodia’s Building Collapses
By David Hutt
The recent spate of incidents raises a broader concern about safety standards in the country.

Cambodia’s Hun Sen Downplays Loss of EU Trade Privileges
By Associated Press
The premier continues to maintain the line that his country is willing to lose the benefits in order to preserve its sovereignty.

Confronting Cambodia’s Waste Management Challenge
By David Hutt
The country, especially its capital, has long had a problem with waste that needs to be addressed.

The Macro Challenges in Cambodia’s Microfinance Sector
By David Hutt
A closer look at an alarming trend.

A New Cambodia-EAEU Trade Deal?
By Luke Hunt
A closer look at a potential development that has been getting more attention of late.

Did Cambodia Just Make a U-Turn on Gambling?
By David Hutt
A recent move warrants attention given the government’s previous positions.

Cambodia and Vietnam in the US-China Trade War: Not All Good News
By Chen Gong and Yu Zhongxin
Both countries face opportunities, but investors cannot overlook the lingering risks.

Sihanoukville: A Cambodian City Losing Its ‘Cambodian-ness’
By Sim Vireak
Unchecked development by Chinese investors has come at a cost, freezing out locals and changing the city’s character.

Beware Cambodia’s Europe Sanctions Hype
By David Hutt
Claims of threats to the country’s sovereignty are vastly exaggerated and miss the broader point about how foreign economic relations work.

Cambodia-EU Threat War Erupts Amid Trade Sanctions
By Luke Hunt
The issue has heated up the country’s already contested and polarized politics.

The Trouble with Cambodia’s Affordable Housing Plan
By David Hutt
The effort is neither affordable nor well-planned.