Cambodia People's Party

Why a New Trade Pact Could be the Carrot the EU Needs in Cambodia
By David Hutt
The idea of such a pact is one such way for the EU to offer carrots, rather than just sticks, that can help it achieve its reform objectives in the country.

January 7 in Cambodia: One Date, Two Narratives
By Kimkong Heng
Cambodian politicians should move beyond their arguments over history and find common ground to move Cambodia forward.

Cambodia's Elections Highlight Growing Marginalization
By John Harley Breen
Neopatrimonialism remains the predominant influence on Cambodia’s political trajectory.

Doing More Harm Than Good: International Election Aid to Cambodia
By Charles Santiago
International election aid to Cambodia will only lend legitimacy to a sham vote.

China in Vogue, But Vietnam Still Hun Sen’s Lifeline
By Alex Willemyns
Has Hun Sen’s embrace of Beijing loosened the CPP’s relationship with Vietnam?

Could Cambodia’s Minor Parties Play a Major Role in its 2018 Election?
By David Hutt
The potential importance of smaller parties in upcoming polls should not be overlooked.
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