Cambodia scam operations
The Sanctioning of Ly Yong Phat: Milestone or Mirage?
By Jacob Sims
Will new U.S. sanctions on one of Cambodia’s most prominent state-affiliated kingpins signal a turning point for Cambodian state organized crime?
Philippine Officials Rescue 162 in Raid on Suspected Cyberscam Hub
By Sebastian Strangio
Several Southeast Asian governments have launched crackdowns on online fraud operations. Is an end to the region’s cyber-scam epidemic in sight?
Cambodian Cyber-Slavery Ends Age of Innocence for Microfinance Investors
By David Whitehouse
The country's epidemic of online scam operations testifies to a lack of state capacity that should have been a red flag for MFI boosters.
More Than a Ranking
By Jacob Sims
How the U.S. State Department's latest Trafficking in Persons report could protect trafficking victims and American taxpayers alike.
Malaysia, Vietnam Upgraded Again in US Government’s Human Trafficking Report
By Sebastian Strangio
This year's TIP report also reflected the explosion of online scam operations that have involved human trafficking on a massive scale.
Carrots and Sticks: Washington’s Strategy to Counter Chinese Influence in Cambodia Rests on Faulty Premises
By Arthur Eremita
Old debates about U.S. engagement have become obsolete in light of evidence that the country's elite is abetting cyberscam operations on a massive scale.
EU, UN Reschedule Launch of Anti-human Trafficking Project in Cambodia After Questions About Venue
By Jack Brook
The event was scheduled to take place at a hotel owned by the L.Y.P. Group conglomerate, which also owns a casino with links to forced scamming operations.
Cambodia’s Cyber-Slavery Trafficking Denials Reflect Official Complicity, Experts Say
By David Whitehouse
Despite growing evidence that Cambodia has become a source of industrial-scale cyber-scams, the authorities continue to downplay the extent of the problem.
Why the US and China Should Work Together to Solve the Global Scam Crisis
By Jan Santiago and Alvin Camba
Both nations have a shared interest in cracking down on online "pig butchering schemes." It could show that the two nations can still work together for mutual benefit.
Jack Adamović Davies on the Rise and Rise of Cambodia’s Prince Group
By Sebastian Strangio
"The era of the 'shell country' is having its ascendancy and Cambodia is a prime example of the phenomenon."
The Collateral Damage of the Hun Manet Charm Offensive
By Arthur Eremita
Who stands to lose the most as the world welcomes the next generation of Cambodian kleptocrats?
China’s Self-Pitying Empire
By David Hutt
The Chinese film "No More Bets," which details the human cost of Southeast Asia-based cyberscam operations, has become a massive hit on the mainland.
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