
CCP 100th anniversary

What Do Filipino Maoists Think of China Now?

What Do Filipino Maoists Think of China Now?

By Michael Beltran
There’s no love lost between Philippine communists and the Chinese Communist Party.

CCP Martyrs ‘Still Youthful’ in New Film

CCP Martyrs ‘Still Youthful’ in New Film

By Jesse Turland
The film “1921” seeks to challenge the perception of the Chinese Communist Party as dominated by old men.
At 100, Chinese Communist Party in Renewed Drive for Legitimacy

At 100, Chinese Communist Party in Renewed Drive for Legitimacy

By Pratik Jakhar
The party has seized upon the anniversary to bolster its appeal through a blend of narratives that incorporate past glories, present successes, and future greatness.

China Celebrates 100 Years of the CCP

China Celebrates 100 Years of the CCP

By Shannon Tiezzi
100 years of the party’s existence, 72 years of its rule – and about 40 years actually worth celebrating.

The Present in the Past: 100 Years of the Chinese Communist Party

The Present in the Past: 100 Years of the Chinese Communist Party

By Tony Saich
As the CCP celebrates its centennial, how close is the party of Xi Jinping to its founding vision?

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
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What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

How the CCP Uses History

How the CCP Uses History

By Nicholas Ross Smith and Tracey Fallon
The party’s embrace of tailored history has accelerated ahead of the 100th anniversary of the CCP’s founding.

The CCP Can’t Take Credit for China’s Phenomenal Economic Growth

The CCP Can’t Take Credit for China’s Phenomenal Economic Growth

By Bonnie Girard
The Chinese Communist Party has never been adept at creating the conditions for economic development, except when it steps away.
Reading Between the Lines of the CCP’s Centennial Propaganda Blitz

Reading Between the Lines of the CCP’s Centennial Propaganda Blitz

By Sarah Cook
Troop deployments, censorship, and exhaustive promotion point to a deep uncertainty about the party’s future.

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