Centerra Gold
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Mongolia’s Democracy Under Stress
By Bolor Lkhaajav
A wave of protests (and lack of any government response) is challenging Mongolia's political system.

Kazakhstani Narratives About Aktobe Solidify
By Catherine Putz
Kyrgyzstan's mine headache, European and Eurasian integration, timekeeping in the Pamirs; weekend reads.

Kyrgyzstan’s Golden Goose, Kumtor
By Catherine Putz
After withdrawing from restructuring negotiations in December, Bishkek is set to decide on Centerra’s mining permits.

Cultural Rifts and Horse Penis Jokes
By Catherine Putz
Also, Tajikistan in the Saudi Arabia-Iran split and the Silk Road’s revival; weekend reads.

Kyrgyzstan Withdraws from Negotiations Over Kumtor Gold Mine
By Catherine Putz
Remember, all that glitters... will be stalled in seemingly endless politicking.
European Environmental Team Harassed in Kyrgyzstan
By Ryskeldi Satke
Once again the Kumtor gold mine produces controversy.

UN Considers Canada’s Overseas Mining Record
By Ryskeldi Satke
Canadian mining outfits have come under widespread fire for their practices in Central Asia and elsewhere.

Kyrgyzstan: Between a Glacier and a Gold Mine
By Catherine Putz
The unending headache that is Kumtor continues. This time the conflict is over the mine's environmental impact.

Mongolians Protest Centerra Gold Mine
By Ryskeldi Satke
The controversial Canadian company seems set to replicate its Kyrgyzstan experience in Mongolia.

Kyrgyzstan's Controversial Gold Mine
By Ryskeldi Satke
Allegations of torture are only the latest scandal to be associated with the troubled Kumtor Gold Mine.

EBRD’s Environmental Policy Under Scrutiny in Kyrgyzstan
By Ryskeldi Satke and Franco Galdini
A backlash surrounding a gold mine is placing the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development under scrutiny.

Why Kyrgyzstan Keeps Losing International Cases
By Ryskeldi Satke
Bishkek’s dysfunctional politics keep it embroiled in legal spats.
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