Central Asia domestic violence
Viral Bishimbayev Trial in Kazakhstan Ends With 24-Year Sentence
By Colleen Wood
Under Kazakhstan’s hybrid jury model, jurors and the judge make a final decision together. In this case, the former minister was convicted of murdering his wife and handed a long sentence.
Live-streamed Murder Trial Reopens Discussion on Domestic Violence in Kazakhstan
By Mia Tarp Nurmagambetova
No matter what the verdict against Bishimbayev turns out to be, change in relation to domestic violence in Kazakhstan is long overdue.
Tajikistan’s Epidemic of Domestic Violence Against Women
By Mia Tarp Nurmagambetova
At the highest level, the problem lies unaddressed: powerful representatives of state bodies have failed to strongly and publicly condemn domestic violence.
Meet the Women Who Pushed Uzbekistan to Criminalize Domestic Violence
By Niginakhon Saida
These are the women, among many others, who advocated and pushed for Uzbekistan to finally criminalize domestic violence.
Central Asia’s Shadow Pandemic: Violence Against Women
By Niginakhon Uralova and Svetlana Dzardanova
Restrictions to limit the spread of COVID-19 inadvertently sparked a rise in violence against women and girls in Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan.
Under COVID-19, Domestic Violence Intensifies in Kazakhstan
By Assem Almukhanbetkyzy and Kristi Eaton
As has been observed elsewhere in the world, quarantines in response to the COVID-19 pandemic have led to a spike in domestic violence incidents.
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