
Central Asia economies

The Middle Corridor: A Renaissance in Global Commerce

The Middle Corridor: A Renaissance in Global Commerce

By Hunter Stoll
Although the Middle Corridor offers promise, its journey toward becoming a viable strategic alternative to existing trade routes will be met with tough challenges.
Tackling Central Asia’s Remaining Development Challenges

Tackling Central Asia’s Remaining Development Challenges

By Evgeny Vinokurov and Anton Malakhov
The region needs to overcome four key structural challenges: lack of access to the sea, low level of development of the financial sector, lack of water and energy coordination, and climate change.

What Does Russia’s Ukraine Invasion Mean for Central Asia?

What Does Russia’s Ukraine Invasion Mean for Central Asia?

Asel Doolotkeldieva, Bruce Pannier, Temur Umarov, and Colleen Wood discuss the economic, political, and diplomatic fallout for Central Asia.

World Bank: Uncertainty in Post-COVID Recovery in Central Asia

World Bank: Uncertainty in Post-COVID Recovery in Central Asia

By Catherine Putz
Although forecasts have improved slightly, the World Bank warns of considerable uncertainty when it comes to post-COVID recovery in the Europe and Central Asia region.

How Damaging Was 2020 to Central Asia’s Economies?

How Damaging Was 2020 to Central Asia’s Economies?

By Catherine Putz
The January 2021 World Bank Global Economic Prospects report is out, heralding a “subdued” recovery for the world. How fares Central Asia?
Ranking the Central Asian States as Investment Destinations

Ranking the Central Asian States as Investment Destinations

By Stanislav Pritchin
25 years after independence, which Central Asian and South Caucasian countries are the best (and worst) places to invest?

External Shocks Continue to Put Pressure on Central Asian Economies

External Shocks Continue to Put Pressure on Central Asian Economies

By Paolo Sorbello
The IMF forecasts the slowest economic recovery in almost two decades.
IMF Projects Another Bad Year for Central Asian Economies

IMF Projects Another Bad Year for Central Asian Economies

By Catherine Putz
The causes are familiar: Russian recession and low oil prices.

Don’t Try to Exchange Your Manats for Dollars in Turkmenistan

Don’t Try to Exchange Your Manats for Dollars in Turkmenistan

By Catherine Putz
Ashgabat has reportedly halted the sale of foreign currencies amid worries of a devaluation.

Kazakhstan’s Cash Pile

Kazakhstan’s Cash Pile

By Catherine Putz
Central Asia’s bad year; anti-terror coalitions and backyards; recommended reads.

Managing the New Economic Normal in Central Asia

Managing the New Economic Normal in Central Asia

By Catherine Putz
The causes of weakness and instability in the global economy are structural, a new World Bank report says.
Why Is Kazakhstan’s Currency the World’s Most Volatile?

Why Is Kazakhstan’s Currency the World’s Most Volatile?

By Casey Michel
Nazarbayev promised there would be “no upheavals” but the global economy had other plans.

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