Central Asia LGBTQ rights

Beaten, Threatened and ‘Outed’: The Ordeals of LGBTQ+ People in Tajikistan
By Alva Omarova
The Tajik authorities portray themselves as protectors of morality, and adopt harsh measures to prevent LGBTQ+ people from living their lives.

Uzbekistan: The Tourism Destination Where LGBTQ+ Dare Not Venture
By Alva Omarova
No one should be imprisoned for who they love. Yet in Uzbekistan, the authorities engage in ongoing criminal prosecution and cruel treatment of members of the LGBTQ+ community.

Brooklyn Lawyers Abuse Asylum System in Advising Clients to Fraudulently Claim LGBTQ Persecution
By Catherine Putz
Taking advantage of the very real persecution of the LGBTQ community in Russia and across much of the former Soviet Union, a pair of lawyers conspired to commit immigration fraud.

Homophobia Feeds Corruption, Abuse in Uzbekistan
By Catherine Putz
Uzbekistan’s LGBTQ community faces discrimination and violence, but the criminalization of sexual relations between men also generates opportunities for extortion and further abuse.

In Kazakhstan, Feminist Activists’ Detention Raise Concerns About Repression
By Colleen Wood
Despite attempt after attempt to block critical voices from Kazakhstan’s public sphere, activists persist.
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