Child Labor

Australia Works to Combat Modern Slavery
By Grant Wyeth
Modern slavery ranges from debt bondage and forced child labor to sexual exploitation.

Factory Fire Reveals Bangladesh’s Child Labor Problem
By Samaya Anjum
Child workers were among the casualties of the July 8 fire, shedding terrible light on an all-too-common problem.

India’s Miners of Glittery Mica Deadlocked in Debt Traps
By Peter Bengtsen and Peter Bengtsen
After years of increasing attention to child labor, debt traps and risks of bondage are under-reported but widespread.

Mired in Poverty, Afghans Bring Their Children to Work
By Rahim Faiez
Despite billions in aid, Afghanistan remains trapped in poverty.

India's New Child Labor Law: Billed to Fail
By Neeta Lal
Child labor is India's worst-kept secret, and a new law will do little to change that.
‘Cheap and Trendy’ Fashion Comes at a Price
By Kyla Ryan
The rise of “fast fashion” is influencing labor standards in Asia and elsewhere.

Rising Child Labor Abuse in the Philippines
By Mong Palatino
The country has much more work to do to overcome the problem of child labor.

Nepal: One of The Worst Places To Be a Child?
By Kiran Nazish
Although child labor is illegal in Nepal, 1.6 million children are in the workforce. Girls have it the worst.
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