
China-Africa trade

Is $20 Billion by 2030 Realistic? Evaluating China-Africa Agricultural Trade Ambitions

Is $20 Billion by 2030 Realistic? Evaluating China-Africa Agricultural Trade Ambitions

By Sena Voncujovi
Achieving the target requires more than doubling the current $9 billion in agricultural exports from Africa to China. This is ambitious, but attainable with strategic efforts. 

President Bio’s Visit Charts a More Holistic Path for China-Sierra Leone Relations

President Bio’s Visit Charts a More Holistic Path for China-Sierra Leone Relations

By Rosie Wigmore
The trend toward diversification could also be a bellwether for China’s relationship with other African countries.
What South African Rooibos Tea Can Tell Us About Africa-China Trade Flows

What South African Rooibos Tea Can Tell Us About Africa-China Trade Flows

By Rosie Wigmore
The example of South Africa’s famous tea variety speaks to unfinished business in expanding African exports to China – including Beijing’s recognition of African Geographical Indications.

Does the China-Africa Trade Expo Matter?

Does the China-Africa Trade Expo Matter?

By Ovigwe Eguegu and Hannah Ryder
The third China-Africa Economic and Trade Expo (CAETE) will need to build on past lessons and successes to really reshape China-Africa trade.

What’s at Stake for Africa in China’s 20th Party Congress?

What’s at Stake for Africa in China’s 20th Party Congress?

By Judith Mwai
For African governments, China’s party congress is about more than Xi Jinping.

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
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What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

Is the Africa-China Relationship at Its Lowest or Highest Level Yet?

Is the Africa-China Relationship at Its Lowest or Highest Level Yet?

By Leah Lynch, Hannah Ryder, and Jing Cai
A focus on a supposed drop in Chinese financing overlooks the commitment to strengthen relations in other key areas of importance to African leaders.

Are African Governments Expecting Too Much From FOCAC?

Are African Governments Expecting Too Much From FOCAC?

By Lauren Ashmore
The case of Africa’s agricultural exports to China highlights the progress made through FOCAC agreements -- and the road still left to travel.
The Global Gateway: Response to China or Solution for a European Problem?

The Global Gateway: Response to China or Solution for a European Problem?

By Etsehiwot Kebret
There are two possible explanations for the EU’s new connectivity strategy: one focused on China, and the other on the EU itself.

The African Continental Free Trade Area Is a Boon for China

The African Continental Free Trade Area Is a Boon for China

By Jonathan Munemo
The biggest beneficiary of the new trade bloc may be China rather than Africa.

China’s Shipping Delays Are Costing African Economies

China’s Shipping Delays Are Costing African Economies

By Osaru Omosigho
China’s shipping delays to African countries in particular are the result of global trends. They need a global solution.

Agency, Bargaining Power, and African Leadership Visits to China

Agency, Bargaining Power, and African Leadership Visits to China

By Jade Scarfe and Jing Cai
Such visits show Africa’s agency in the relationship, but much more can be done to ensure African countries get what they need from China.
China’s Coronavirus Slowdown: Which African Economies Will Be Hit Hardest?

China’s Coronavirus Slowdown: Which African Economies Will Be Hit Hardest?

By Hannah Ryder and Angela Benefo
COVID-19 – and the corresponding China “shock” – could have a disproportionate effect on Africa’s smallest, and poorest, economies.

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