China AI
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Why Are Chinese Courts Turning to AI?
By Meng Yu and Guodong Du
A drive to standardize judgments for “similar cases” has courts experimenting with big data and AI.
The Quest for 5G Technology Dominance: Impact on US National Security
By Mercy A. Kuo
Insights from Brett Simpson.
Lora Saalman on How Artificial Intelligence Will Impact China’s Nuclear Strategy
By Franz-Stefan Gady
A look at how AI and other emerging technologies will impact China's nuclear strategy.
How China’s AI Technology Exports Are Seeding Surveillance Societies Globally
By Scott N. Romaniuk & Tobias Burgers
China is exploring technologies that enable high tech state authoritarianism.
The Trouble With China’s Edge in the AI Arms Race
By Rajeswari Pillai Rajagopalan
Beijing’s rising capabilities, while not surprising, should raise concerns for the region.
China’s Ever-Expanding Surveillance State
By Sarah Cook
Recent developments shed light on the phenomenon’s immediate and long-term implications.
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