China and the Middle-East

China Outmaneuvers the Muslim World
By Ilan Berman
With its embrace of the Amman Message, China has succeeded in finishing what its economic investments began.

China and Gulf Security: Conspicuous By Its Absence
By Bonnie Girard
Countries from Europe to East Asia are conducting patrols to ensure safe shipping lanes through the Gulf. Why isn't China taking part?

The China Wildcard in the Qatar Crisis
By Rob Edens
A closer look at the stakes for Beijing and what that might mean.

What’s Behind China’s Big New Drone Deal?
By Ian Armstrong
A closer look at a drone-fueled courtship between China and Saudi Arabia.

How US Unilateralism Could Shape China’s Middle East Geostrategy
By Ian Armstrong
The newly transactional foreign policy of the United States could influence Beijing’s calculations.
Chinese Arms Companies Are Picking Up the Pace in Africa and the Middle East
By Benjamin David Baker
At a recent Expo, Chinese companies showcased several new aircraft and drones.

Why China Could Be Effective in the Middle East
By Muhammad Zulfikar Rakhmat
China stepped into the Middle East peace process in 2013. This could be a welcome development.
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