
China and the UN

China’s Presence in Africa Is at Heart Political

China’s Presence in Africa Is at Heart Political

By Thierry Pairault
Beijing’s outreach to Africa is largely driven by the desire for support on the international stage from the continent’s 54 countries.

At UN, Xi Outlines China’s Vision for the World

At UN, Xi Outlines China’s Vision for the World

By Shannon Tiezzi
Xi's address followed (and implicitly responded to) a typical broadside from U.S. President Donald Trump.
China, Japan, and the Future of UN Peacekeeping

China, Japan, and the Future of UN Peacekeeping

By Luke Patey, Adam Day, and Sebastian von Einsiedel
New mission parameters pose challenges to both China and Japan’s peacekeeping engagement.

Discussing China and Global Norms with Rosemary Foot

Discussing China and Global Norms with Rosemary Foot

By Maurits Elen
Rosemary Foot, Professor at Oxford University, on China’s ability to influence global norms.

Chinese Peacekeeper Killed in Mali Attack

Chinese Peacekeeper Killed in Mali Attack

By Shannon Tiezzi
Four additional Chinese peacekeepers were injured in an attack on the UN base in Gao.

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
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What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

Is China a Global Force for Good?

Is China a Global Force for Good?

By Brian R. Moore
A broader look at the impact of China's rise on the world.

How China Is Changing the UN

How China Is Changing the UN

By Janka Oertel
"The Chinese leadership derives legitimacy from its constructive role in matters of peace and development."
China's $3 Billion Message to the UN: Yes, We Are a Responsible Power

China's $3 Billion Message to the UN: Yes, We Are a Responsible Power

By Shannon Tiezzi
By pledging monetary and military aid to the UN and developing world, China is trying to counter old criticisms.

Don't Forget About China's Big UN Speech

Don't Forget About China's Big UN Speech

By Shannon Tiezzi
With all the hype on Xi Jinping's US visit, it's easy to overlook his speech at the UN. Don't.

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