China-Arab relations

China’s Influence in the Middle East and Its Limitations
By Dale Aluf
China’s formidable capabilities are tempered by equally formidable constraints.

China’s Diplomatic Coup in the Middle East: The Facts Behind the Hype
By François Godement
China’s diplomatic push into the region is less than meets the eye – but it should not be ignored, either.

Xi’s Visit Marks New Era for China-Arab Relations
By Wang Jin
The Chinese leader’s trip to Saudi Arabia involved outreach to the entire bloc of Arab states, adding momentum to growing ties.

China’s Xi Heads to Saudi Arabia to Boost Beijing’s Influence in the Middle East
By Shannon Tiezzi
Xi Jinping will attend the first China-Arab States summit as both sides see an opportunity to advance relations.

China’s Foreign Minister Heads to the Middle East
By Shannon Tiezzi
Wang Yi's six-country tour highlights the region's expanding importance for China.

Economic Exchange Anchors China-Arab Ties
By Eleanor Albert
The China-Arab States Expo spotlights the growing economic relationship between China and the Middle East.

How China Is Winning Over the Middle East
By Deborah Lehr
China is making inroads into the Middle East -- and being welcomed with open arms.

A Stark Choice for Cairo’s Chinese Muslims
By François Napoleon
As Egypt cracks down on Uyghur students, Chinese Muslims in Cairo are torn between economic opportunity and their faith.
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