China arctic white paper

China’s Busy Year in the Arctic
By Trym Aleksander Eiterjord
Having officially laid out its Arctic policy last year, 2018 was an eventful year for China in the far North.

The Growing Institutionalization of China’s Polar Silk Road
By Trym Aleksander Eiterjord
China is building an increasingly mature platform to support its scientific and commercial interests in the Arctic.

How Has China Shaped Arctic Fisheries Governance?
By Nengye Liu
Parsing China's role in the Agreement to Prevent Unregulated High Seas Fisheries in the Central Arctic Ocean.

China Commits to Arctic Protections But Development Threats Loom
By Chen Jiliang
Can China’s new Arctic policy protect the region’s delicate ecology?

China Stakes Its Claim to the Arctic
By Marc Lanteigne and Mingming Shi
Beijing's Arctic White Paper claims interests in the region for China as a “near Arctic state.”

China Issues Its Arctic Policy
By Charlotte Gao
China vows to actively participate in Arctic affairs and pursue economic interests.
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