China-Australia business

Joint Ventures in China: Lessons From ‘Alan’s Boat’
By Ian Lang
In China, the range of expensive foreign joint-ventures that have failed is legion. But there are many small success stories as well, and they are worth learning from.

Australia-China Economic and Trade Relations Are Heading for a Hard Reset
By Chan Kung and He Jun
Amid worsening geopolitical tensions, the economic relationship will never be the same again. What will the new normal look like?

Alan's Boat From China: Episode 4
By Ian Lang
China’s excited shipyard executives join Alan to dive the Barrier Reef from the boat they’ve built together

Alan's Boat From China: Episode 3
By Ian Lang
It’s a (literal) struggle to stay afloat as tensions crank up on board the Passions 3.

Alan's Boat From China: Episode 2
By Ian Lang
Reality bites as different cultural styles put both Alan’s business dreams and the Chinese shipyard’s at risk.

Alan's Boat From China: Episode 1
By Ian Lang
Doing business with China? Learn first-hand with this worker’s guide to DIY international diplomacy.
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