
China automotive industry

Shenzhen, China: The World Pioneer in Electric Vehicles

Shenzhen, China: The World Pioneer in Electric Vehicles

By Takahashi Kosuke
The public and private sectors work together to promote the spread of EVs, as evidenced by the city’s fully electric bus and taxi fleets. 

Collateral Damage: Slovakia Caught in the China-EU Crossfire

Collateral Damage: Slovakia Caught in the China-EU Crossfire

By Martin Sebena
Beijing wants to retaliate against Europe’s investigation into Chinese EV subsidies. An aspiring friend would be the worst hit.
The Data Quagmire for German Carmakers in China

The Data Quagmire for German Carmakers in China

By Rebecca Arcesati
The renewal of the Sino-German MoU on autonomous vehicles opens up questions around data privacy, security, and Germany’s industrial competitiveness.

US and Europe: 2 Different Approaches to Restricting Chinese EVs

US and Europe: 2 Different Approaches to Restricting Chinese EVs

By You Wang
As China's overcapacity becomes a buzzword, restrictions on Chinese electric vehicles are expected. However, the objectives, approaches, and anticipated outcomes differ between Europe and the U.S.

Biden Orders US Investigation of National Security Risks Posed by Chinese-Made ‘Smart Cars’

Biden Orders US Investigation of National Security Risks Posed by Chinese-Made ‘Smart Cars’

By Matthew Daly
The probe could lead to new regulations aimed at preventing China from using sophisticated technology in electric vehicles to track drivers and their personal information.

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
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What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

How China’s EVs are Taking Thailand by Storm

How China’s EVs are Taking Thailand by Storm

By Li Xirui
Chinese automakers have succeeded in the Thai market by adopting comprehensive localization strategies.

China, Europe, and the Great Electric Vehicle Race

China, Europe, and the Great Electric Vehicle Race

By Valeria Fappani and Blanca Marabini San Martín
Chinese EVs are gaining market share around the world, but Europe is putting on the brakes.
Chinese Cars Gain Traction in Latin America and the World

Chinese Cars Gain Traction in Latin America and the World

By Robert C. Thornett
Latin America is seeing a surge in sales of Chinese automobile brands – especially as the region’s EV transition heats up.

China’s EV Export Boom Is Bringing Southeast Asia Into Beijing’s Orbit

China’s EV Export Boom Is Bringing Southeast Asia Into Beijing’s Orbit

By Christopher Vassallo
Growing automobile trade with Southeast Asia has all the makings of a “circular” economy that will deepen regional integration.

The China Factor in Japan-South Korea Rapprochement

The China Factor in Japan-South Korea Rapprochement

By Corey Lee Bell, Elena Collinson, and Xunpeng Shi
Long-running trade rivalries between the two nations are now being eclipsed by the common threat posed by China’s economic transformation.

How China and Japan are Competing Over Indonesia’s Car Industry

How China and Japan are Competing Over Indonesia’s Car Industry

By Muhammad Zulfikar Rakhmat
Chinese carmakers are making quick inroads into Japan's long-standing dominance of the Indonesian auto market.
The US Is Falling Behind China in the Race for Electric Vehicles

The US Is Falling Behind China in the Race for Electric Vehicles

By Dennis Blair and Robbie Diamond
Unless things change, and soon, Beijing will corner the market on the materials, components, and vehicles that will power the 21st century economy.

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