China Catholic Church

Vatican Makes Fresh Overture to China, Reaffirms That Catholic Church Is No Threat to Sovereignty
By Nicole Winfield
The Vatican hosted the head of China’s bishops conference for an unprecedented, high-level commemoration of a 1924 meeting in Shanghai.

China, Taiwan, and Core of Vatican Diplomacy
By Thomas Ching Wei Tu
When it comes to the Holy See, neither Taipei’s nor Beijing’s typical tactics for wooing diplomatic allies are effective.

Hong Kong Cardinal, Former Taiwan VP at Papal Funeral, But No China Representative
By Ken Moritsugu and Kanis Leung
The Chinese government did not appear to be sending anyone to Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI's funeral.

Hong Kong Arrests Roman Catholic Cardinal, an Actress, and Others
By Associated Press
Cardinal Joseph Zen, singer-actress Denise Ho, lawyer Margaret Ng, and scholar Hui Po-keung were detained by Hong Kong's National Security Police on May 11.

Vatican Renews Overtures to China Ahead of Xi’s Italy Visit
By Nicole Winfield
After a breakthrough in China-Vatican relations, speculation is mounting that Xi will meet Pope Francis this week.

What the China-Vatican Deal Means for Taiwan
By Gary Sands
A reported agreement could spell trouble for Taipei -- and China's Catholics.

China’s Thriving Underground Churches In Danger
By Eugene K. Chow
Some predict that by 2030, China will have more than 247 million Christians.

China and the Vatican Are a Step Closer to Mending Ties
By Cal Wong
According to a Hong Kong bishop, China and the Holy See have a solution to the major issue keeping them apart.

Will China Ever Embrace Pope Francis?
By David Volodzko
Can China and the Vatican ever reach mutual understanding?
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