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China Doesn’t Understand Europe, and It Shows

China Doesn’t Understand Europe, and It Shows

By Andreea Brînză
From its original CEE outreach to Wang Yi’s recent trip, China’s pursuit of short-term goals has interfered with its long-term relations in Europe.
Central and Eastern Europe Is Not in Bed With China

Central and Eastern Europe Is Not in Bed With China

By Andreea Brînză
Western analysts often parrot Chinese talking points about the strength of China’s presence in the region. The truth is far less rosy for Beijing.

China in Europe: All for One and One for All?

China in Europe: All for One and One for All?

By Agnes Szunomar
Chinese infrastructure-building attempts in Central and Eastern Europe are different in each country. So is the response from host governments.

Engaging China in 17+1: Time for the ACT Strategy

Engaging China in 17+1: Time for the ACT Strategy

By Ivana Karásková
China has managed to build a system of interconnected relations in Central and Eastern Europe. How should the region respond?

Countering China’s Influence Campaigns at European Universities

Countering China’s Influence Campaigns at European Universities

By Ivana Karásková
Central and Eastern EU member states are in general vulnerable given the financial constraints at even the leading universities.
How Hungary’s Path Leads to China’s Belt and Road

How Hungary’s Path Leads to China’s Belt and Road

By John Macri
Hungary’s various identities are all pointing in one direction: toward Beijing.

Behind the Huawei Backlash in Poland and the Czech Republic

Behind the Huawei Backlash in Poland and the Czech Republic

By Alicja Bachulska and Richard Q. Turcsányi
Both cases point to a deeper problem with China’s Central and Eastern Europe strategy.
Serbia: China’s Open Door to the Balkans

Serbia: China’s Open Door to the Balkans

By Philippe Le Corre and Vuk Vuksanovic
China is playing an increasingly active role in Serbia, part of its expansion in Central and Eastern Europe.

What's Next for the China-CEE 16+1 Platform?

What's Next for the China-CEE 16+1 Platform?

By Bartosz Kowalski
After the China-CEE Summit in Sofia, the “16+1” initiative is heading toward the EU.

What to Expect at the 2018 China-CEE 16+1 Summit

What to Expect at the 2018 China-CEE 16+1 Summit

By Richard Q. Turcsanyi
What to watch for as the premiers of China and Central and Eastern European countries gather in Sofia.

What’s Next for China’s 16+1 Platform in Central and Eastern Europe?

What’s Next for China’s 16+1 Platform in Central and Eastern Europe?

By Alicja Bachulska
The debate over development of the 16+1 platform continues.
East Asia Comes to Europe

East Asia Comes to Europe

By Irina Angelescu and Václav Kopecký
A tale of two suitors: Chinese and Japanese investments in Central and Eastern Europe.

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