China constitutional amendment

What’s So Controversial About China’s New Anti-Corruption Body?
By Jamie P. Horsley
Digging into the National Supervision Commission.

As 'Two Sessions' Open, CCP Is Ready to Defend Presidential Term Limit Change
By Charlotte Gao
This year’s unusually long “Two Sessions” are doomed to go down in China’s contemporary history.

China’s Military Backs Proposed Constitutional Amendments
By Adam Ni
The military comes out in support of the changes, which would allow Xi to hold the presidency indefinitely.

Constitutional Amendments Go Unmentioned in the CCP’s Unusual Third Plenum Meeting
By Charlotte Gao
The plenum adopts a candidate list for state and Party leadership and a reform plan for Party and state institutions.

China’s Foreign Ministry Defends the CCP’s Proposed Constitutional Amendment
By Charlotte Gao
China's government continues to forestall criticism at home and abroad.

The CCP's Proposed Term Limit Change Shocks China
By Charlotte Gao
Censors are hard at work, erasing opposition to the Chinese Communist Party's blueprint for constitutional amendment.
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