China coronavirus aid

How COVID-19 Transformed China’s Domestic and International Trajectory
By Yanzhong Huang
The pandemic left an indelible but mixed imprint on everything from patterns of socio-economic development to China’s state apparatus and foreign relations.

Why Isn’t China’s COVID-19 Stimulus Going Directly to Workers?
By Xiaochen Su
The rationale (and danger) of China’s lack of direct financial support to the people during the pandemic.

China’s Multifaceted COVID-19 Diplomacy Across Africa
By R. Maxwell Bone & Ferdinando Cinotto
China's COVID-19 aid to African states comes from a diverse array of actors, with equally diverse motives.

Who’s Helping Cambodia Weather COVID-19?
By Kimkong Heng and Len Ang
In explaining Cambodia’s relative COVID-19 success, it is vital to acknowledge the foreign aid and local donations that have poured in.

China’s Disinformation Campaign in Italy
By Valbona Zeneli and Federica Santoro
China’s increased influence has come along with new efforts to prompt Beijing’s preferred narrative -- on COVID-19 and otherwise.

No, COVID-19 Isn’t Turning Europe Pro-China (Yet)
By Erik Brattberg and Philippe Le Corre
China’s muscular coronavirus PR campaign in Europe may end up backfiring.

China Is Not Replacing the West in Serbia
By Jelena Milic
Serbia is not seeking to replace the West as its principal partner, and no amount of Chinese coronavirus aid is going to change that.
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