China debt diplomacy

Debt or Diplomacy? Inside China’s Controversial Loans to Sri Lanka, Laos, and Malaysia
By Zdeněk Rod
Several cases are frequently cited when discussing China’s so-called debt trap diplomacy: Sri Lanka, Laos, and Malaysia. These examples shed light on how China’s strategy plays out in practice.

China Should Rethink Its Position on Debt
By Sarah Saadoun
China has lent over $1 trillion to more than 150 countries as part of its Belt and Road Initiative, making it the world’s largest official creditor.

China’s Debt Relief Position Is Actually Reasonable
By Etsehiwot Kebret and Hannah Ryder
China is right to say that the World Bank and IMF need to engage in debt relief. Many African debtor countries think the same thing.

Is China’s ‘Debt-Trap Diplomacy’ in Greenland Simply on Ice?
By Erin Parsons
Should Greeland continue to move toward independence, the cash-strapped territory would be at high risk of falling prey to Chinese investments that seek to gain influence.

China’s BRI Lending: $385 Billion in ‘Hidden Debts’
By Mercy A. Kuo
Insights from Brad Parks.

What the AidData Report Reveals About BRI Lending in Southeast Asia
By James Guild
The report shows both the extent of Chinese lending to the region and the agency with which governments have engaged with the BRI.

Are China’s BRI Glory Days Over?
By Luke Hunt
ASEAN wrestles with Chinese debt and post-pandemic recovery plans.

Does China Weaponize Lending?
By Robert Farley
China’s commitment to economic efficiency has always been colored by a desire to maximize political influence.

China’s Role in Cameroon’s Risk of Debt Distress
By R. Maxwell Bone
China is Cameroon’s largest creditor, with 61 percent of the African country’s external debt owed to Beijing.

A New Database Reveals China’s ‘Secret’ Loans? Think Again.
By Leah Lynch, Patrick Anam, and Judith Mwai
Borrower countries have more control over the terms of Chinese loans – including transparency – than the prevailing narrative suggests.

Will the IDB’s Politicization Pull China and Latin America Closer?
By Isabel Bernhard
U.S. and Chinese attempts to shape Latin American governments’ lending options raise issues of sovereignty and choice.

Putting a Dollar Amount on China’s Loans to the Developing World
By Yufan Huang and Deborah Brautigam
At long last, we now know how much poor country governments owe China.
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