
China digital currency

Emerging Markets in Asia Are Rushing to Adopt Central Bank Digital Currencies

Emerging Markets in Asia Are Rushing to Adopt Central Bank Digital Currencies

By Lourdes Casanova, Sharwari Rajesh Pandit, and Rohini Manyam Seshasayee
For countries like China, India, and Indonesia, CBDCs offer tempting solutions to several issues – including the dominance of the U.S. dollar.

China in Blockchain, Web3, and the Metaverse

China in Blockchain, Web3, and the Metaverse

By Mercy A. Kuo
Insights from Winston Ma.
The Real Cause of China’s Alibaba Crackdown

The Real Cause of China’s Alibaba Crackdown

By Canghao Chen
Political intrigue? Personal grudges? There's a more basic cause for Alibaba's ill fortune: The company threatens China's monetary authority.

Reality Check: China’s Digital Yuan Is Not a Threat to the West

Reality Check: China’s Digital Yuan Is Not a Threat to the West

By Sara Hsu
There are enough real issue between the U.S. and China. There is little need to invent tensions, such as with the Chinese digital currency.

Where Does China’s Digital Currency Stand?

Where Does China’s Digital Currency Stand?

By Edward Lehman and Jed Rothstein
The eCNY continues to be a trailblazer as a central bank-backed digital currency, even if it’s not quite ready for its full debut.

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
Latest Video

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

In China, Cashless Is King

In China, Cashless Is King

By Edward Lehman and Jed Rothstein
From Alipay and WeChat Pay to the digital RMB, the past, present, and future of China’s digital payment services.

How Will China’s Sovereign Digital Currency Affect Fintech?

How Will China’s Sovereign Digital Currency Affect Fintech?

By Sara Hsu
China’s sovereign digital currency is likely to have a mainly positive impact on the fintech sector.
China’s Digital Currency: Implications for the US

China’s Digital Currency: Implications for the US

By Mercy A. Kuo
Insights from Emily Jin.

More Fintech Regulation on the Horizon in China

More Fintech Regulation on the Horizon in China

By Sara Hsu
The Chinese government continues to add oversight and structure to the rapidly growing sector.

How Will China Counter US Financial Hegemony?

How Will China Counter US Financial Hegemony?

By Robert Farley
China’s plan for a central digital currency aims to fulfill numerous goals, from consolidating domestic control to competing in the global financial field.

China’s New Surveillance Currency

China’s New Surveillance Currency

By Maximilian Kärnfelt and Kai von Carnap
China is wrong to think its digital currency will increase global payments in RMB. But Beijing has its eye on a different prize, anyway.
China’s Digital Payment Revolution: Lessons for Libra

China’s Digital Payment Revolution: Lessons for Libra

By Dongyao Nie
China’s cashless revolution shows the potential impacts of Facebook’s Libra project.

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