China Dream

China’s Quest: To Be a Status Super Power
By Kerry Brown
China wants the respect and the space accorded to a superpower, but it doesn’t want the responsibilities.

The CCP Plants the China Dream Abroad
By David Gitter
“The CCP’s arms of influence are targeting foreign societies in ways that have seldom been fully considered.”

Modern China and the 2 Great Mountains
By Kerry Brown
Feudalism and imperialism are gone, but China faces new 'mountains': social and environmental issues.

China’s Political Culture: Assessing ‘Xi Jinping Thought’
By Mercy A. Kuo
Insights from Chongyi Feng.

The China Path vs The Western Model
By Kristin Shi-Kupfer
How Chinese society challenges the CCP’s effort to create a unifying ideology

The Chinese Dream in Peril: Xi Jinping and the Korean Crisis
By Anthony Miller
Beijing has a vested interest in the status quo -- not in the Kim dynasty.

Xiongan: A New City for the Xi Jinping Era
By George G. Chen
Why Xiongan is the antithesis of Shenzhen.

China Is Carelessly Losing Its Soft Power Battle, One Project at a Time
By Patrik K. Meyer
The case of a Chinese flag flying over an Angolan construction site.

New Hopes, Old Fears: China’s 19th Party Congress
By Kerry Brown
The Congress will do far more than determine China’s next leaders. It will decide the fate of the Communist Party itself.

Could Han Chauvinism Turn the 'Chinese Dream' into a 'Chinese Nightmare'?
By Patrik Meyer
By harnessing Chinese chauvinism, the Chinese Dream could help revive China’s historical glory.

Why Does China Want to Control the South China Sea?
By Donald K. Emmerson
China's possible motives for trying to secure control over the South China Sea.

The New Nationalism: 'Make My Country Great Again'
By Zheng Wang
Xi's China Dream meets Trump's "Make America Great Again."