China Ebola aid

Can the US and China Cooperate in Africa?
By R. Maxwell Bone & Ferdinando Cinotto
Competition aside, Washington and Beijing have many shared interests on the African continent, from security to economics to public health.

Why China Could be a Game Changer for Global Health
By Charlotte Röhren
With its growing international integration, China is becoming a major actor in global health issues.

China Promises More Investment in 'Post-Ebola' West Africa
By Shannon Tiezzi
China promises to help Guinea, Liberia, and Sierra Leone rebuild.

The Chinese Military's War on Ebola
By Jin Kai
Deploying the PLA to help fight Ebola can boost China's international standing while providing valuable experience.

China’s ‘Shadow’ Network of International Organizations
By Shannon Tiezzi
Plus, China vs. Ebola, the Hong Kong protests, and your guide to talking about maritime disputes. Friday China links.

China’s Military Wages War on Ebola
By Shannon Tiezzi
The PLA is playing a leading role in China's fight against the Ebola outbreak.
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