China economic growth

China’s Low-Growth Zero-COVID Policy Signals Transition Away From Reform Period
By Sara Hsu
China’s days of encouraging economic growth at any cost are over.

Can China Achieve Its Growth Target This Year?
By Wei Hongxu and He Jun
China’s 5.5 percent growth target struck some observers as overly ambitious.

China’s 2022 Government Work Report Looks Inward to Economic Stabilizers
By Nathan Handwerker
In a year marked by economic risks, China’s Government Work Report promotes high economic growth targets and key policy tools in order to meet them.

2022 New Year’s Resolutions for Asia’s Biggest Economies
By Anthony Fensom
Parsing the biggest economic challenges for China, Japan, and India.

China’s Core Economic Issues in 2022
By Sara Hsu
The real estate downturn and inflation will cause headaches in the new year, while the emphasis on common prosperity continues.

China’s Long-Term Economic Direction
By Sara Hsu
Xi Jinping has been clear that China’s old economic model is a thing of the past. The new one, however, is only starting to take shape.

The CCP Deserves Credit for China’s Phenomenal Economic Growth
By Zhuoran Li
Yes, the CCP has many shortcomings. But it has also contributed significantly to the country’s economic miracle.

The CCP Can’t Take Credit for China’s Phenomenal Economic Growth
By Bonnie Girard
The Chinese Communist Party has never been adept at creating the conditions for economic development, except when it steps away.

What’s on the Agenda for China’s National People’s Congress?
By Shannon Tiezzi
This year's big tasks are finalizing the 14th Five-Year Plan and remaking Hong Kong's electoral system.

China Economy Grows in 2020 As Rebound From Virus Gains
By Associated Press
While most major economies struggle to recover from the pandemic, the Chinese economy shows signs of growth across sectors.

New Year Resolutions for Asia’s Biggest Economies
By Anthony Fensom
Will China, Japan, and India get any relief in the Year of the Ox?

Why China’s Economy Keeps Booming Even After COVID-19
By Dingding Chen
With the pandemic controlled and society going back to normal, innovation and digitization are unleashing economic growth in China.