
China education

Chinese Universities Are on the Rise

Chinese Universities Are on the Rise

By Connor Horsfall and Pippa Ebel
China's higher education landscape remains varied in quality and scope, but the progress made is undeniable.
How Is China’s Global Education Strategy Evolving?

How Is China’s Global Education Strategy Evolving?

By Pippa Ebel
Growing numbers of Chinese universities are drawing students from partner regions such as Africa with science-focused programs. 

China’s Educational Soft Power Is Seeing Results in Indonesia

China’s Educational Soft Power Is Seeing Results in Indonesia

By Azis Anwar Fahcrodin
Generous government scholarships have generated positive impressions of China – and even an impulse to defend its policies in the face of Western criticism.

2 College Students in China Were Disciplined for Giving Out Pride Flags. Can the Law Help Them?

2 College Students in China Were Disciplined for Giving Out Pride Flags. Can the Law Help Them?

By Ding Yuan and Darius Longarino
The case illustrates the intersection of a tightening grip on LGBTQ expression, especially on college campuses, and the determination of some young Chinese to fight for more space.

China’s ‘Little Gaokao’: A Choice for the Choiceless

China’s ‘Little Gaokao’: A Choice for the Choiceless

By Yang Yaqi
China’s graduate entrance exam offers hope – and few guarantees. But amid an uncertain future, more and more young Chinese are signing up.
What is the Future of China’s Vocational School Drive?

What is the Future of China’s Vocational School Drive?

By Zhuoran Li
China’s technical schools cannot fulfill the government’s target of training a skilled workforce without much-needed reform.

After Government Crackdown, What’s Next for China’s Edtech Firms?

After Government Crackdown, What’s Next for China’s Edtech Firms?

By Kate Kologrivaya and Emma Shleifer
With new regulations hitting hard at home, China’s education firms are going global.
Why Did China Crack Down on Its Ed-Tech Industry?

Why Did China Crack Down on Its Ed-Tech Industry?

By Lizzi C. Lee
Beijing’s latest move is a response to long-held public grievances about educational inequality and the resulting pressure to keep up.

China Targets the Private Tutoring Sector

China Targets the Private Tutoring Sector

By Eleanor Albert
New scrutiny on the tutoring industry comes amid a broader tightening of regulations in general.

Death of Student in China Triggers Questions, Protests

Death of Student in China Triggers Questions, Protests

By Huizhong Wu
A student’s death and his mother’s online posts have stirred controversy and questions. 

EdTech in Rural China

EdTech in Rural China

By Layne Vandenberg
EdTech companies are starting to address the urban-rural disparity in educational opportunities prevalent throughout China.
China and the World: Can China Lead?

China and the World: Can China Lead?

By Jongsoo Lee
An interview with William Kirby on China's ambitions, soft power, and education.

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