
China energy demand

What the Third Plenum Means for China’s Decarbonization Effort

What the Third Plenum Means for China’s Decarbonization Effort

By Chris Hankin
As the share of renewables grows, China is shifting from controlling energy consumption to controlling carbon emissions specifically.

China’s Energy Intensity and Carbon Intensity Targets Are All But Unachievable

China’s Energy Intensity and Carbon Intensity Targets Are All But Unachievable

By Rakshith Shetty
China is far behind on its international commitments for reducing energy consumption and carbon emissions per unit of GDP.
How China’s Coal Commitment Went up in Smoke

How China’s Coal Commitment Went up in Smoke

By Bonnie Girard
The flip-flop on coal policy makes it clear that China’s climate goals take a backseat to energy security and self-sufficiency.

Judith Shapiro on the Future of China’s Climate Policy

Judith Shapiro on the Future of China’s Climate Policy

By Jesse Turland
A discussion of China’s role at COP26, the significance of China’s blackouts induced by coal shortages, and future directions China’s climate policy might take.

China Stresses Developed Nations’ Promises at COP26

China Stresses Developed Nations’ Promises at COP26

By Jesse Turland
In Glasgow, China’s representatives argued rich states must fulfill promises to support poorer nations’ green capacity development, even while power shortages call China’s own promises into question.

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
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What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

Can Russia and Mongolia Replace Australia’s Coal Supply to China?

Can Russia and Mongolia Replace Australia’s Coal Supply to China?

By Bolor Lkhaajav
As China grapples with an energy shortage, it is increasingly looking to source coal from its northern neighbors.

What the ‘Power of Siberia’ Tells Us About China-Russia Relations

What the ‘Power of Siberia’ Tells Us About China-Russia Relations

By Francesco Sassi
Are we on the verge of a new era of natural gas geopolitics?
The Stumbling Blocks to China's Green Transition

The Stumbling Blocks to China's Green Transition

By Daniel de Oliveira Vasconcelos
How fast can China develop a “green, low carbon power system”?

The Reality of the Sino-Russian Oil Alliance

The Reality of the Sino-Russian Oil Alliance

By Nicholas Trickett
Russia’s oil ties with China are deepening but markets, not politics, drive the evolving relationship.

China's 5 Year Plan for Energy

China's 5 Year Plan for Energy

By Ma Tianjie
China's energy use will have enormous consequences for the world. Here's what we know about its latest plans.

China and Kazakhstan: Roads, Belts, Paths, and Steps

China and Kazakhstan: Roads, Belts, Paths, and Steps

By Catherine Putz
China’s ‘Belt and Road’ fits nicely with Nurly Zhol, Kazakhstan’s bright pathway to the future.
China's Potential Pitfalls #1: The Environment

China's Potential Pitfalls #1: The Environment

By Xue Li
"Environmental pollution is the great challenge that China must face during its next stage of development."

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