China engagement strategy

US Senators Need to Raise the Uyghur Genocide on Beijing Visit
By Omer Kanat
While diplomatic engagement with China is essential, it cannot come at the cost of ignoring the egregious human rights abuses taking place in the Uyghur region.

The US Needs a New China Strategy
By Xinrong Zhu and Dingding Chen
The United States is currently at a crossroads with its strategic approach to China. Can “neo-engagement” provide a path forward?

Harry Harding on the Rapidly Changing US-China Relationship
By Shannon Tiezzi
What happened to U.S.-China relations? Professor Harding offers his thoughts on the past, present and future.

How Unique Is Trump’s China Policy?
By Keikichi Takahashi
The current U.S. approach reflects a sea change on China that began before Trump’s election – and will continue after his administration ends.

Where Have America’s Pro-Business China Watchers Gone?
By James Haynes
What happened to Amb. Terry Branstad and the rest of the United States’ pro-business, pro-engagement China watchers?

Joe Biden’s Record on China and Taiwan
By Kuang-shun Yang
For decades, Biden has embraced the “China engagement” doctrine and warned Taiwan to tread carefully. Now, though, he seems to have changed his tune.

Will China Return to Isolationism?
By Cui Lei
China is at a turning point between returning to 1960s-era seclusion and keeping an open door.
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