China environment

Why China Still Isn't Winning its War on Pollution
By Grace Guo
Despite some ongoing efforts, much more work remains to be done in order for meaningful change to occur.

Does China Still Want to Be a Global Environmental Leader?
By Li Shuo
Amid tensions with the United States, there are dark clouds ahead of China’s climate agenda.

How China Can Help Save Papua New Guinea’s Forests
By Gary Juffa
An MP calls for China to stop importing illegal timber from Papua New Guinea.

Can Chinese Cities Leave the Car Behind?
By Liu Shaokun
For years, city planners in China have prioritized cars, but they're now taking a different route.

Xiong’an New Area: 1,000 Years of Government Intervention
By Zhang Ling
1,000 years before Xi Jinping proclaimed the Xiong'an New Area, the Northern Song Dynasty turned the area into a swamp.

Tough Tasks for China’s New Environment Ministry
By Jackson Ewing
Beijing is fundamentally changing its environmental governance, but will it work?

China's Massive Government Overhaul: What You Need to Know
By Shannon Tiezzi
A brief rundown of the changes and what they reveal about Beijing's priorities and ambitions.

Getting Energy Right in US China Policy
By Ashley Feng and Sagatom Saha
The U.S. energy sector will be central to any economic compromise or confrontation between Washington and Beijing.

China Cleans up Its Act on Environmental Enforcement
By Peter Corne and Johnny Browaeys
China's latest environmental crackdown actually has teeth – and it's not ending any time soon.

China’s Effective Greens and Gaps in Climate Activism
By Fengshi Wu
The pragmatic approach preferred by environmental activists is put to the test by the crisis of climate change.

China’s ‘Clean Coal’ Power: Viable Model or Cautionary Tale?
By Wu Wenyuan
Efforts to develop higher efficiency coal plants are being held back by regional differences in energy development.

Modernizing Nature: China’s Yellow River Delta Reserve
By Hou Shen
The nature reserve is a testing ground for competing ideas of economic development, nature, and conservation.