
China facial recognition technology

Josh Chin and Liza Lin on China’s Domestic Surveillance

Josh Chin and Liza Lin on China’s Domestic Surveillance

By Shannon Tiezzi
"For residents in large cities like Beijing or Shanghai, the surveillance starts the moment you step outside... But there’s just as much, if not more, tracking in the virtual world."
Darren Byler on Life in Xinjiang, ‘China’s High-Tech Penal Colony’

Darren Byler on Life in Xinjiang, ‘China’s High-Tech Penal Colony’

By Shannon Tiezzi
“The mass surveillance and internment project in Xinjiang should be viewed as a major test of Chinese capacities to conduct a sophisticated invasion, occupation, and transformation of spaces that were at the margins of Chinese control.”

China’s Hyperactive Debates on Personal Data Protection

China’s Hyperactive Debates on Personal Data Protection

By Xiao Liu
The draft of China’s first comprehensive law on personal information protection is the culmination of intense public interest in the subject.

China’s Ubiquitous Facial Recognition Tech Sparks Privacy Backlash

China’s Ubiquitous Facial Recognition Tech Sparks Privacy Backlash

By Lauren Dudley
Privacy concerns remain largely unaddressed in proposed Chinese facial recognition standards.

Will Vietnam Follow China’s Model for Digital Dictatorship?

Will Vietnam Follow China’s Model for Digital Dictatorship?

By Trien Vinh Le
The US-China trade war may make Hanoi rethink its interest in promoting technology for both economic growth and political control.
How China Exports Repression to Africa

How China Exports Repression to Africa

By Samuel Woodhams
China’s “techno-dystopian expansionism” is undermining democracy in African countries.

How China’s AI Technology Exports Are Seeding Surveillance Societies Globally

How China’s AI Technology Exports Are Seeding Surveillance Societies Globally

By Scott N. Romaniuk & Tobias Burgers
China is exploring technologies that enable high tech state authoritarianism.
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