
China financial reform

China’s Interventionist Approach to Managing Financial Risks

China’s Interventionist Approach to Managing Financial Risks

By Nicholas Borst
While Beijing has studied the mistakes of past financial cleanups, its current approach risks making new ones.

China Eases Overseas Listing Rules

China Eases Overseas Listing Rules

By Sara Hsu
U.S.-listed Chinese firms are breathing a sigh of relief after China relaxed restrictions on foreign auditors.
China’s Financial Standardization Plan Does Not Reduce Funding Barriers

China’s Financial Standardization Plan Does Not Reduce Funding Barriers

By Sara Hsu
While the plan is useful in continuing to regulate China’s growing financial landscape, it does nothing to alter China’s trajectory of channeling funds to the state sector.

Evergrande Is a Symptom, Not Cause, of China’s Debt Woes

Evergrande Is a Symptom, Not Cause, of China’s Debt Woes

By Sara Hsu
Due to structural flaws in China's financial system, there will likely be other Evergrandes in the future.

More Fintech Regulation on the Horizon in China

More Fintech Regulation on the Horizon in China

By Sara Hsu
The Chinese government continues to add oversight and structure to the rapidly growing sector.

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
Latest Video

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

The Decline and Attempted Revival of China’s Economic Exceptionalism

The Decline and Attempted Revival of China’s Economic Exceptionalism

By Dinny McMahon
Can a new generation of Chinese leaders resurrect the magic of China’s economic exceptionalism?

Robert Mann on What to Expect From China's Economy

Robert Mann on What to Expect From China's Economy

By Anthony Fensom
An interview with Robert Mann, Senior Portfolio Manager at Nikko Asset Management.
China Removes Deposit Interest Rate Ceiling

China Removes Deposit Interest Rate Ceiling

By Sara Hsu
The central bank announces a milestone in financial reform.

PBOC Policies Under the Xi-Li Administration

PBOC Policies Under the Xi-Li Administration

By Sara Hsu
A look back over the policy decisions of the past year is revealing.

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