China foreign policy

As Iran Faces a Crucial Choice, China Has Much at Stake
By Mu Chunshan
On Chinese social media, some want Iran to go nuclear – but others think it should learn from China’s “reform and opening.”

What China’s Strategists Think About China-US Relations
By Shannon Tiezzi
Yu Jie, a senior research fellow on China in the Asia-Pacific Program at Chatham House, analyzes Chinese elites' perceptions of the bilateral relationship.

More Than MOFA: China’s Comprehensive Diplomacy
By Zhuoran Li
The overarching goal of comprehensive diplomacy is to mobilize and coordinate various party-state agencies to advance China’s national strategic and diplomatic objectives.

3 Key Points for Understanding China’s Foreign Policy
By Mu Chunshan
Does China want to change the status quo in the Asia-Pacific? Is China using Europe as a bargaining chip with the United States? How did “wolf warrior” diplomacy come about?

China’s Foreign Policy After the ‘Two Sessions’
By Nathaniel Sher
Beijing’s biggest goal is shaping an international environment that is conducive to economic development.

China Should Be Wary of the Trap of History
By Nicholas Ross Smith and Tracey Fallon
China has long leaned into historical narratives in policymaking. Now Chinese officials are increasingly resorting to emphasizing the negative histories of their adversaries.

Multilateralism and China’s Hedging Strategy
By Kaize ZHU
Nations – including China – hedge to secure their interests in an increasingly multipolar world.

China’s Quiet Move Toward Moderation
By Robert Sutter
Rhetorically, China is standing firm as the U.S. leads a hardening of policy toward Beijing. But its actions reveal a new willingness to compromise.

China’s Preference for Hard Power Is Creating Major Headaches for Beijing
By Guy C. Charlton and Xiang Gao
Taiwan’s election result points to a broader trend: China is failing to use soft power effectively, and paying the reputational price.

Where Does China Stand On the Esequibo Question?
By Joseph Bouchard
Given its good relations with both Venezuela and Guyana, Beijing has sought to avoid angering either.

The Belt and Road Initiative’s Impact Depends on the Recipient Country
By Tola Amusan
The nature of domestic institutions in China’s partners determines whether the BRI actually advances socioeconomic development or simply enriches elites.

China’s Statecraft and Global Leadership
By Mercy A. Kuo
Insights from Chin-Hao Huang.
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