
China foreign policy

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The Chinese Communist Party International Department: Overlooked yet Ever Present

The Chinese Communist Party International Department: Overlooked yet Ever Present

By David Gitter and Leah Fang
Even seasoned China hands have often overlooked one of the most authoritative channels of CPC influence and power.
The South China Sea Ruling: Who Really Won?

The South China Sea Ruling: Who Really Won?

By Chengxin Pan
The legal blow might actually lead China to harden its position.

Chinese Diplomacy in the 21st Century

Chinese Diplomacy in the 21st Century

By Young China Watchers
Thomas Fingar on China's foreign policy decisions.

Is China’s Period of Strategic Opportunity Over?

Is China’s Period of Strategic Opportunity Over?

By David Gitter
China's growing assertiveness reflects the fear that its period of strategic opportunity is drawing to a close.

Does China Really Have a Strategic Vision for the World?

Does China Really Have a Strategic Vision for the World?

By Kerry Brown
Since the founding of the PRC, China's leaders have often misunderstood both allies and rivals alike.
A Blueprint for China's Neighborhood Diplomacy

A Blueprint for China's Neighborhood Diplomacy

By Xue Li and Zheng Yuwen
China is emphasizing neighborhood diplomacy, but how to actually carry it out?

Japan's Declining Place in Chinese Diplomacy

Japan's Declining Place in Chinese Diplomacy

By Xue Li and Zheng Yuwen
With Japan dismissive of China's "Belt and Road," Tokyo is losing prominence in Chinese foreign policy.
China’s New Era of Diplomacy: Engaging in Syria

China’s New Era of Diplomacy: Engaging in Syria

By Moritz Rudolf
Efforts to mediate in the Syria conflict represent a departure from China’s traditionally cautious diplomacy.

China Deploys First Nuclear Deterrence Patrol

China Deploys First Nuclear Deterrence Patrol

By Benjamin David Baker
China reportedly deployed its first-ever submarine nuclear deterrence patrol. What does it mean?

Is China's 'Belt and Road' a Strategy?

Is China's 'Belt and Road' a Strategy?

By Xie Tao
When is a strategy not a strategy?

The Limits of China's Cooperation With Central and Eastern Europe

The Limits of China's Cooperation With Central and Eastern Europe

By Richard Q. Turcsányi
What "new beginnings, new domains, and new visions" are possible for China-CEE cooperation?
Why Xi’s Ambition for China Is Good for the World

Why Xi’s Ambition for China Is Good for the World

By Kerry Brown
The world can benefit from Xi's foreign policy ambitions, as long as we stop seeing China's move solely as threats.

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