
China genocide

Uyghur Women and Forced Marriages in China

Uyghur Women and Forced Marriages in China

By Tasnim Nazeer
Uyghurs report disturbing stories of their relatives in Xinjiang being forced to marry Han Chinese, part of Beijing’s strategy for diluting Uyghur heritage.
Assimilation: China’s Failed Strategy in Xinjiang

Assimilation: China’s Failed Strategy in Xinjiang

By Bonnie Girard
China’s approach to Xinjiang rests on forced assimilation, a difficult task in a society where even those who wish to assimilate struggle to do so.

The Changing Face of Genocide: From Mass Death to Mass Trauma

The Changing Face of Genocide: From Mass Death to Mass Trauma

By Esther Brito
Learning from a long history of global inaction, regimes are pursuing a new form of genocide, as seen in campaigns against the Rohingya, the Uyghurs, and others.

Beijing 2022 Is the Death Knell of the Olympic Charter

Beijing 2022 Is the Death Knell of the Olympic Charter

By Omer Kanat
If genocide is no longer a red line, then what good is the Olympic Charter’s commitment to “the preservation of human dignity”?

Repression by Any Other Name: Xinjiang and the Genocide Debate

Repression by Any Other Name: Xinjiang and the Genocide Debate

By Martin S. Flaherty
Is what’s going on in Xinjiang genocide? The answer is a qualified yes, but no hedging is needed for the equally serious accusation of crimes against humanity.
China-US Relations: Views From China

China-US Relations: Views From China

By Mu Chunshan
Understanding how ordinary Chinese people view the relationship is a crucial, but often overlooked, element in getting U.S. policy right.

If China’s Anti-Uyghur Campaign Isn’t Genocide, What Is?

If China’s Anti-Uyghur Campaign Isn’t Genocide, What Is?

By Omer Kanat
If the world’s only response to genocide is to engage in endless debate of the term, then “never again” is truly an empty promise.
Is International Pressure Coalescing on China’s Xinjiang Policy?

Is International Pressure Coalescing on China’s Xinjiang Policy?

By Eleanor Albert
Separate moves from Canada, the U.S., and the U.K. show signs of growing backlash to China's human rights abuses.

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