China global governance

Wang’s G20 Meetings Highlight China’s Ukraine Messaging
By Shannon Tiezzi
China remains committed to reshaping the global order with Russia, and Beijing knows developing countries are the key to that effort.

Fuzzy Logic: China’s Second Order Foreign Policy
By Joseph Cash
China’s foreign policy specialists are struggling to satisfactorily explain China’s rise or how it is likely to behave as a prominent global leader.

Elizabeth Economy on ‘The World According to China’
By Shannon Tiezzi
“China’s ability to influence the behavior of international actors is often less than we believe.”

Beijing and the UN, 50 Years On
By Rosemary Foot
Since taking over the China seat in the United Nations, Beijing’s approach to the global body has encompassed both ambivalence and ambition.

China’s Digital Silk Road and the Global Digital Order
By Richard Ghiasy and Rajeshwari Krishnamurthy
China’s Digital Silk Road is an ambitious vision to catalyze global digitalization. What will it mean for digital governance?

China’s Bid to Write the Global Rules on Data Security
By Shannon Tiezzi
The new “Global Initiative on Data Security” is an attempt to wrest control of the data security narrative away from the U.S.

China’s Approach to Global Governance
By Yanzhong Huang and Joshua Kurlantzick
China’s strategy brings some positives for the world, but poses the dangerous risk of a global governance divide.

How China Is Expanding Beyond Western Institutions
By Eva Seiwert
Even as the coronavirus unsettles the world, China’s bid to reshape international relations beyond Western formats is quietly gathering steam.

China May Be More Assertive, But Is It Really Ready to Lead?
By Lucio Blanco Pitlo III
The time of “hiding and biding” is over, but is China ready for the burdens of global leadership?

Will China Return to Isolationism?
By Cui Lei
China is at a turning point between returning to 1960s-era seclusion and keeping an open door.

The World According to China
By Bradley A. Thayer and John M. Friend
Understanding the world China seeks to create by 2049, when the PRC turns 100.

China Wants More Chinese to Work in International Organizations
By Wei Liu
China is revamping its human resource deployment to organizations like the UN.