China global image

At 100 Years Old, China’s Communist Party Still Can’t Get Along with Its Next-Door Neighbors
By Bonnie Girard
Central Asian governments might be cozy with Beijing, but Central Asian people continue to protest China's rising influence.

Poll Shows Increasing Transatlantic Convergence on China
By Bonnie S. Glaser and Garima Mohan
Public opinion trends suggest that there is a strong foundation for transatlantic cooperation on China-related challenges.

American Views of China Drop to Record Low
By Eleanor Albert
A recent poll from Gallup joins a growing body of evidence that China's global image is slipping - especially in the United States.

What Do Chinese People Think of Developed Countries?
By Adam Y. Liu, Xiaojun Li, and Songying Fang
Perceptions of China have darkened in the United States and much of Europe. Are those feelings mutual?

Sweden Becomes Latest – and Among Most Forceful – to Ban Huawei From 5G
By Shannon Tiezzi
In its decision, Sweden minced no words about either the ban or the threat posed by China.

No, China Doesn’t Think Decades Ahead in Its Diplomacy
By Andreea Brînză
China’s foreign policy reflects short or medium term planning, far from the myth of generational or centennial timelines.

Sebastian Strangio on Southeast Asia ‘in the Dragon’s Shadow’
By Shannon Tiezzi
A conversation on China's influence and image in the region.

US Public Opinion Is Changing the Relationship With China
By Justin Conrad
It is no longer politically wise to characterize China as a partner or friend.

China’s Media Influence Has Gone Global. So Has the Pushback.
By Sarah Cook
Beijing's campaign to control narratives about China the world over is attracting more attention -- and opposition.

Is the Japanese Public on Board With the ‘New Era’ of China-Japan Relations?
By Kazuki Nakamura
Japanese citizens will be the key to determining the success of the Sino-Japanese reset.

Some Say China’s Belt and Road Helped Create This Pandemic. Can It Prevent the Next One?
By Andreea Brînză
As COVID-19 spreads around the world, China has begun talking about a “Health Silk Road.” But one already exists – at least, on paper.

China’s Mask Diplomacy
By Brian Wong
By shipping medical supplies to European countries, China is seeking to boost its image as a responsible global leader.