China global image
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China’s Coronavirus Information Warfare
By Valérie Niquet
Beijing has embarked on a desperate information war in an attempt to revive its global image amid the pandemic.

How China Influences Media in Central and Eastern Europe
By Ivana Karásková
China has successfully planted its narratives on topics like the Hong Kong protests into major news outlets across Central and Eastern Europe.

The US vs China: A Clash of Self-Images?
By Plamen Tonchev
The gap between self-perception and reality on both sides is a key factor driving U.S.-China tensions.

Is China Losing the Opportunity to Lead?
By Robert Dujarric
Domestic developments hinder the emergence of a Chinese Dream with appeal overseas.

How China Is Losing the World
By Kerry Brown
China’s over-reach risks creating a wellspring of resistance to its global ambitions.

China’s ‘New Type of Party System’: A ‘Multiparty’ System for Foreign Consumption?
By Julia Bowie and Nathanael Callan
The CCP rebrands China’s political party system for external propaganda.

Israeli Perceptions of China: Implications for the United States
By Mercy A. Kuo
Insights from Carice Witte.
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