China great power

China’s Coming Chang’e 5 Launch: Strategic Implications
By Namrata Goswami and Namrata Goswami
The mission is not just about scientific exploration of the lunar surface, but about developing Chinese space power and the attractiveness of its space vision.

Coping With the Challenge of China’s Growing Space Power
By Lincoln Hines
Recognizing China's status-seeking motives provides an important tool for U.S. policymakers.

Significance of China’s Further Rise: A Chinese Model or Chinese Solutions?
By Jin Kai
A model is iconic, a solution is adaptable.

How a Rules-Based Order Could Cement China's Rise
By Jin Kai
What ensures and facilitates the ultimate rise of a great power?

Would China Be a Benign Hegemon?
By Kyle Haynes
Of course China wants hegemony in its backyard. The better question is what Beijing will do afterwards.

China and India’s Shared Pathway to Great Power
By Chris Ogden
The two rising Asian powers have points of contention, but they also have much in common.
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