China grey zone tactics in the Taiwan Strait

Making Sense of China’s Latest Naval Exercises in the Asia-Pacific
By Zi Yang
In less than a week, China initiated a series of naval drills in the South Pacific, Gulf of Tonkin, and off Taiwan’s southwest coast.

China-Taiwan Boat Collision Near Kinmen Continues to Reverberate in Taiwanese Politics
By Brian Hioe
It’s an early test case of the new dynamics of power between the KMT and the DPP, and the impact on cross-strait relations.

Taiwan Protests After China Boards a Tourist Boat Near Kinmen Island
By Christopher Bodeen
China is stepping up patrols in the waters off the coast of Kinmen after two Chinese fishermen drowned while fleeing the Taiwanese coast guard.

Taiwan Says 6 Balloons From China Flew Through Its Airspace
By Christopher Bodeen
It’s unclear what the purpose of the balloons is, but the number of such objects passing over or near Taiwan has increased in recent weeks.

Taiwan Should Follow the Philippines’ Model for Revealing China’s Gray Zone Tactics
By Thomas J. Shattuck, Benjamin Lewis, and Kenneth Allen
Taiwan’s Ministry of National Defense should amplify its disclosures of PLA activity to reap the most benefits from its transparency initiative.

Emulating Russia, China Is Improving Its Ability to Operate in the Gray Zone
By Colin P. Clarke
Chinese disinformation efforts have advanced far beyond mere troll farms and online bot armies recycling conspiracy theories on social media.

China’s Real Takeaway From the War in Ukraine: Grey Zone Conflict Is Best
By Tobias Burgers and Scott N. Romaniuk
The steep costs of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine will bolster China's continued use of its effective salami-slicing and grey zone tactics.
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