China heat wave

Social Class Is the Silent Killer in Beijing’s Heatwaves
By Li Zhao
The urban poor living away from the city center are the most likely to suffer under extreme heat – and also the ones most likely to face it.

How China’s Extreme Weather Summer Is Affecting Its Security
By Genevieve Donnellon-May and Zhang Hongzhou
Climate shocks are impacting China’s energy, water, and food security ambitions.

How China Is Responding to Its Water Woes
By Genevieve Donnellon-May
The scorching heatwave in southwest China in August laid bare the country’s many interrelated water security challenges.

China Fights Brush Fires, Extends Power Rationing in Drought
By Associated Press
The drought and heat in southwest China are wilting crops and causing power shortages amid China’s hottest and driest summer on record.

The Economic Effects of Extreme Heat in China
By Sara Hsu
Extreme heat is roiling China, challenging individuals and businesses in carrying out everyday activities.

China Sees Record Rains, Heat as Weather Turns Volatile
By Associated Press
China is sweltering under the worst heatwave in decades while rainfall hit records in June.

Asia’s Heat Wave, Typhoon Utor and Refrigerator Pants
The heat wave that began in China has since spread throughout the region.

China’s Simmering Summer: Frying Bacon and Eggs on the Street
Record temperatures above 40 degrees C are sweeping China this summer.
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